Personal Coaching with Lynda
For some people, the best way to get out of your own way and accelerate business growth is to work on a one to one basis. Lynda recognises this and offers a private client package to a limited number of people at any one time
If you know that you are a little stuck personally or professionally, that you need to move forward in your business but are unsure how, or if you just have a sense that you might be the bottleneck that’s stopping the success from flowing in, then taking some concentrated time out is a perfect solution to get you moving again.
If you are someone who prefers to work privately and you want the benefit of personal support, with a ‘nowhere to hide’ challenge on the excuses you are making, then becoming a private client is probably the best option for you. It is certainly the fastest way to get you the results you are looking for personally and in your business.
“I’d ticked along for years, with just two main clients, then when the recession hit I lost one contract and the following month I lost the second, this left me with odd training jobs and a bit of associate work. When I approached Lynda looking for associate work in her 360 business, she unravelled my case in two seconds. I didn’t want associate work – I was just panicking. Within a few minutes of talking to Lynda, I knew my limiting beliefs about getting new clients had kept me stuck and vulnerable for years. 3 months after working with Lynda I have two exciting new clients, one of whom has booked enough time this year to meet my financial needs and I still have space for more…”
– John Cross, Private Client
How it works
Each month you and Lynda will meet (or Skype if you prefer), and get really immersed in you and your business. The agenda will be driven by you and what you need to achieve, and the emphasis is always on deliverable results – ones that fit with your purpose and dream. This programme is like having a personal trainer for your business – much like giving your body a regular workout at the gym, this is like getting a business workout where the spot light is firmly trained on you and your progress week on week staying healthy.
In addition to the monthly coaching meeting, you have unlimited email access direct to Lynda for advice, support and those scary moments when you just need a reality check. You also have the option to book a half hourly catch up call each fortnight if you want or need it.
You will automatically become a member of the Way Ahead Business Club for 12 months, which includes access to live events, group online training and an online member’s forum.
Your minimum commitment is for 3 months – although many clients sign up for longer.
To enquire about a personal coaching programme, please email to book a conversation.